Syllabus Spring 2021

IDEA 410. Interdisciplinary Capstone for IDEA Majors. 4 hours. CRN: 44425. Spring 2021.

Instructor: Hannah B Higgins
Time: Thursdays, 12:30-2:30p (via Zoom). 
Office Hours: Open Office Hours Thursdays 11:30a-12:30p. By Appointment Office Hours Thursdays 3:30p-5:00p.
Course web page:

This course is part II of a sustained practicum in the production, discussion and theorization of work produced by seniors (in the last two semesters) of IDEA coursework. In early May, you will launch a public presentation of your capstone work. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Field work required.

PDFs posted weekly.

Coursework: (100 points total)

Coursework: (100 points total)

  1. Capstone Spring Planning:                               10 pts (1/21 in class group discussion)

2.   Participation/Attendance/Responses:           20 pts (ongoing and includes reading/viewings/active discussion)

3.   First Phase Presentation: 10 pts (2/4 & 2/11 in class group discussion. Must include uploads by the Monday before you present, demonstrable progress, and one page statement of purpose/introduction).

4.   Mid-Term Capstone Presentation:                   10 pts (3/4 & 3/11 in class group discussion. Must include uploads by the Monday before you present, demonstrable progress, and two page statement of purpose/introduction — expanded from version #1)

5.   Final Capstone Presentation:                           20 pts (4/8 & 4/15 in class group discussion. Must include uploads by the Monday before you present, demonstrable progress, and three page statement of purpose/introduction — expanded from version #1/#2)

6.   Completed Capstone Website:                         30 pts (4/29 in class group discussion by live link. Should include your writing and a short bio.)

Course Format, Zoom Meeting Details:

IDEA 410 is a synchronous class with once weekly discussions on Thursdays from 12:30pm to 2:30pm via Zoom.

Extensive computer and internet use is required. If you do not have access to a laptop, you may request to borrow one from the university.

Current Zoom meeting info is in our Blackboard course under ‘Announcements’.

Attendance, Participation, and Zoom Expectations:

IDEA 410 is a synchronous class with once weekly discussions on Thursdays from 12:30-pm to 2:50pm via Zoom.

Extensive computer and internet use is required. If you do not have access to a laptop, you may request to borrow one from the university.

Current Zoom meeting info is in our Blackboard course under ‘Announcements’.

While a Zoom call doesn’t look like a typical classroom, the same basic classroom courtesies apply.

  • Keep your video on (see next section for allowed exceptions). Turning off your video is the same as leaving early, or not showing up.
  • As much as you’re able to, please keep your audio unmuted. Ensure you’re in a quiet space where you can focus and be present in our discussions. If classmates are distracted by your background noise, you probably are, too.
  • Don’t meet with us from your bed, and please do not lay down during our discussions.
  • Within reason, get up and move around to pace, stretch, and re-energize yourself if you want or need to. Don’t feel like you have to stare into the camera the entire time.
  • Consider hiding your own video from yourself to minimize Zoom fatigue.
  • Do complete all readings and be prepared to participate in discussions. This is a significant portion of your grade.

Zoom meetings and recordings:

Because of privacy concerns, there will be no recording the class sessions, or portions of the class, for students who are unable to attend synchronously. It is also important to maintain a learning environment where everyone feels comfortable participating. To protect these interests, students and other participants may not copy, record, reproduce, screenshot, photograph, or distribute the following content:

  • Live discussions or meetings
  • Discussion boards
  • Rehearsals, Critiques and other creative activity
  • Images of students, faculty, or other participants

If you prefer to use a pseudonym instead of your name, please let me know what name you will be using, so that I can identify you during the class session.

If you would like to ask a question, you may do so privately through the chat feature by addressing your question to me (and not to “everyone”), or you may contact me by email.

These guidelines do not restrict a student’s right to record lectures or download content pursuant to accommodation suggested by the UIC Disability Resource Center.

Any attempt to disrupt an online course or event (e.g., “Zoombombing”) or to use the College’s online platforms to introduce malware or gain unpermitted access to files or networks is prohibited and may violate other University policies depending on the nature of manner of the conduct. Students who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action under the UIC Student Disciplinary Policy.

Technology and COVID Support for Students:

  • UIC has restored its Hotspot and Laptop Lending program for students (and faculty). Request Form Here
  • For remote access to virtual computers + labs with specialized software, visit: Virtual Computer Lab

The link to the Dean of Students’ U and ICare program for COVID related emergency funds for students. (yes, confirmed: funds are still available.) 

Disability Accommodation:

The University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that students with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access to and/or participation in this course are welcome, but must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). You may contact DRC at 312-413-2183 (v) or 773-649-4535 (VP/Relay) and consult the following:

COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Policies:
For those attending in person classes:

Face Masks: Masks must be worn at all times by all students, faculty, and staff while on campus, whether in or out of class, in all offices, on all pathways, and inside and outside of all buildings, in accordance with University policies. If you do not wear a mask, you will be asked to leave the classroom and will not be allowed back in class unless or until you wear a mask. Eating and drinking is not allowed in classrooms.

Social Distancing: We all must maintain appropriate social distancing at all times, whether in or out of class, in all offices, on all pathways, and inside and outside of all buildings. On-campus classes are being held in classrooms that are large enough to maintain a minimum physical distance of 6 feet (or two arm’s length) between people; we will implement assigned seating to ensure social distancing is observed and also to make contact tracing easier if there is an incident of COVID-19 infection in our class.

Hand Washing, Sanitizing: Everyone is expected to wash or sanitize their hands before class, either by using personal sanitizer or by using one of the sanitizer dispensers located on campus. Please remember to wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds or more. If using hand sanitizer, please remember it should be at least 60% alcohol and you should rub your hands together until dry.